Akademy 2008 Day 0/1/2

I arrived here on Friday. Flew to Paris with Girish and from there took the train to Bruxels with a whole bunch of KDE devs.. By 4:00 we were at Friends Cafe and got all the registration done. There are about 200 odd people here.. the whos who of KDE, Trolltech and (Qt/Nokia) is here. There is lot of excitement in the air.

I had a bit of trouble getting used to the food out here. Everything I ate since I boarded the flight until yesterday morning… yeah well.. came out wrong.. I had to basically keep my stomach empty until late evening yesterday and get some good sleep.. I am fine now.. 🙂

Sint-Katelijne-Waver, is a great place. Very calm, very clean, organized. Fairly huge houses, and most of them look the same. The vehicles actually stop when we cross the road, thats a surprise especially for someone like me that comes from Bangalore. The hostel is nice, minimalistic, but nice. Grote Markt is awesome :).. Pradeepto, Anurag and myself were out there yesterday and we took some pics. I am going to upload them in my next blog.

Just finished my talk this morning. It was received very well.. After Demo #1, I actually got some applause.. That was just great :).. Could’nt have asked for more. I had rehearsed the talk with Till the day before and he felt that the layout was good…. and to get this kind of feedback from the audience, it is just great :).. After the talk, I got a chance to some people about GCF. I can actually notice the laptops of participants here having the GCF page open. I guess the talk was successful. I only hope that more people begin to use GCF in KDE from now on.

I must say, I am really enjoying my travel and stay here.. Pics and more news in my next blog.



