Category: Philosophy

  • Anxiety about unlimited freedom

    Tight rope walking is scary because there are no rails to hold on to while walking on the tight rope. So, it causes an obvious anxiety about walking on the rope. Anxiety stems from the fact that, without support, one might fall off to the left OR to the right OR forward OR backward OR…

  • Insight

    Exploring something new feels like taking two steps forward only to take one step back and not necessarily in the same direction.

  • On Authenticity

    Each and every one of us has at some point in our lives paused to ponder over questions like “Who am I?”, “What is the meaning of life?”, “What is the nature of reality?”, “What does it mean to exist, to be?” and so on. As we pondered over these questions we came up with answers…

  • 8 habits of highly authentic people

    Pardon my cheap shot at free publicity. I couldn’t resist naming this blog post after Stephen Covey’s magnum opus “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People“. It was one of the first “real self help” books I read in my life. Up until then I was mostly reading books on personality development, which taught me…

  • being-for-others – a breeding ground for inauthentic relationships

    Sartre and others carve a phenomenon called being-for-others, that leaves a human being with an experience of being an object along with other objects in a world of objects, with fixed properties, labels, behaviour etc. Given that people are seldom, if ever, truly alone these days, each person constantly confronts the existence of other people, not simply as…

  • Anxiety, Commitment & Healthy Dose of Bad-Faith

    Bad-faith, or inauthenticity, is living a lie that we dont have freedom to choose in the face of situations and realities that we encounter in life. Existentialists, Sartre in particular says that as human beings we are condemned to be free. Our fundamental nature, he says, is to be a free transcendence of our facticity, for…

  • Projects of Bad Faith – Part #2

    According to existentialism, authenticity is living life with willingness that who I am is a free transcendence of my facticity. Therefore, I willingly own-up my facticity and make choices & take action by being fully aware of my freedom to do so. I also take note of the fact that my choices & action lead to consequences that…

  • Projects of Bad Faith

    Projects of Bad Faith

    After a long time, I started to re-read books on existentialism from Gary Cox. Like he says, study of existentialism can be a hugely impactful thing. I was reading his book “Existentialist’s Guide to Death, the Universe and Nothingness” and tumbled upon this chapter about “Bad Faith”. I inquired into the kinds of bad-faith projects…

  • Progress with Vipassana

    Progress with Vipassana

    Since completing my Vipassana course in Jan this year, I have been trying to scrape time to practise atleast once a day, if not two (like they suggest). The idea is to find a place at home and practise Vipassana for a period of 1 hour, twice a day (morning & evening). I have been…

  • Vipassana – Getting in touch with reality as-it-is

    Vipassana – Getting in touch with reality as-it-is

    It has now been almost a month since I finished my Vipassana course. I still feel the magic! So I thought that it is apt to write about my experience now – since it has not faded away. There are a ton of blogs out on the Internet that give a fairly accurate day-by-day account of the…

  • Vipassana – almost begins

    Vipassana – almost begins

    Since my graduation – there has always been some sort of an interest in “figuring out life”. The vast abyss that life is – sometimes scares me, sometimes inspires me and sometimes makes me just plain lazy. I seek education in the hope that I might be able to make leaps in my journey of…

  • School timetable – does it really work?

    Almost every school I have seen in my life so far follows a “simple” timetable structure for its activities. Each day is divided into 8 “classes”, so 40 classes a week. Each “class” focusses on one subject and lasts for some 40 minutes. Almost immediately after one class, the next would begin. Unless there is a…

  • You don’t have to raise VC investment to create value

    Examine and interrogate your motivations, reject the money if you dare, and startup something useful. A dent in the universe is plenty. Curb your ambition. Live happily ever after. David asks you to RECONSIDER your ambitions in this honest and insightful article.

  • Punyakoti – India’s first ever Sanskrit Animation film!

    My friend Ravi Shankar has been talking about making an animated movie since the time I first met him in 2012. He is someone who is passionate about telling a story (this story in particular) and is genuinely moved by the impact it will have on people when the story is listened to, seen and…

  • Protected: An inspiring story

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.