First Project Delivered

Today our company delivered our first complete project. I am supposed
to not speak much about the project itself for a couple of more months;
but I can share the feeling of having completed the task.

The last few weeks have been extremely heavy with long working hours
and no holiday (not even a Sunday). This is our first product after the
company was incorporated, and my second with the same client. We handled
everything from project prestudy, design, implementation, testing,
documentation, manuals, installation programs, demos everything.

Had a complete blast while doing this project. At the end of all this
tiring work; I feel satisfied that we have come this far. Now it is
time to find out how the work will be perceived by our customers.
Fingers crossed






One response to “First Project Delivered”

  1. asmishra Avatar

    It is a great feeling 😀 njoy the “high”
    All the best hope everything goes fine.