Learnings & Experiences
FOSS.IN 2009 – Talks/Sessions of my interest
FOSSEE Workout – Making Scientific Computing Python better! Introduction to Maemo5 as a Development Enviroment Howto make WebKit faster OpenGL ES Application Development on OMAP3530 with Beagleboard And of-course the time inbetween talks/sessions where I get to meet incredibly talented folks from the community. PS: My talk on “Writing Qt Creator Plugins” would be on…
VTK Designer has better DICOM imaging support
We have been working on improving medical imaging support in VTK Designer for quite sometime. However, due to heavy workload in other products and projects; this one took a back seat. Up-until now users could select DICOM image set and do a surface render. But now; over and above this we also support something called…
I am speaking @ FOSS.IN/2009
Just saw that my talk on “Writing Plugins for Qt Creator” is selected as Tech Talk (Hacker session) at FOSS.IN 2009. The event is going to be between 1st and 5th of December. The last time I gave a talk @ FOSS.IN was in 2007, nice to get back to it after 2 years 🙂…
The Men Who Stare at Goats
http://www.themenwhostareatgoatsmovie.com/ The movie seems very interesting!
I have never spoken to you..
A realization hit me a couple of days back when I had a breakdown in my communication with a friend. I realized that I had never personally spoken to anyone in my life; I have only spoken to the perception that I have (of them) in my mind of. I have an opinion about my…
“I cant do xyz” – is a racket
I have often heard myself saying “I cant do this, I cant do that”. For example I cant stick to an exercise routine or diet I cant deal with government office officials I cant keep my wardrobe organized I cant manage to find the right people for my team I cant control my temper It…
Downloading Qt SDKs..
With every new release, the size of Qt SDK is increasing. Given the slow and often unreliable BSNL Internet connection @ work (and home), it is not a good idea to download new releases using a browser or an FTP client. Recently we bought a Mac at work and I have been trying hard for…
“The Problem is Choice” – Neo – The Matrix Reloaded
Yesterday evening we had a wonderful session on “Living Life at Choice”. I know the title seems to have obvious grammar mistakes, but when we get the meaning of “choice” it all makes sense. After yesterday’s session I realized that for all my life I have been only making decisions. To decide is to select…
The Landmark Forum
In the month of July this year, I attended the Landmark Forum. The promise of Landmark Education is “Living life powerfully and living a life you love” and I got to tell you; they deliver on that. The venue was Sathya Sai Sadan, right next to Fourum Mall Koramanagala. A total of 330 people were…
GUIXML Editor in Qt Creator
When you open a GCF project in Qt Creator, you will notice that the project tree on the left hand side also shows GUIXML files against each component and the global ComponentLoaderComponent.xml (CLC for short) file. The CLC file describes the order of loading of components. Each component’s GUIXML file describes the GUI of the…
GCF – Qt Creator Integration
Over the past few weeks we have been researching on Qt Creator, its architecture and plugin model. In a previous blog my colleague JK has written about a document that we wrote on Qt Creator plugins. This week (ie yesterday) we started working on a plugin for Qt Creator called GCFSupport. The idea behind the…
VTK Designer + Code Generator
A feature that has been requested the most over the past few months is the code generator. I have personally received several emails from VTK Designer 2 users asking about the code generator that existed in the 1.x series but has magically disappeared in the 2.x series. Since then we invested some efforts in getting…
Document on Writing plugins for Qt Creator
The next version (2.3) of GCF should (ideally) have a plugin for Qt Creator that will make creation and maintenance of GCF applications with Qt Creator easy. We started our progress towards that end by studying Qt Creator and understanding how plugins for it can be written. The result of that effort is a small…
GCF 2.2 Released
GCF 2.2 is now released. The 2.2 release is an effort of 8 months, hope you like it. Key Highlights Software Updater Framework – GCF now includes a software updater framework that can be activated to have your applications automatically download and install updates. GCF provides tools for you to create updates that you can…
Remote Signal/Slot connections
How easy it is to make signal/slot connections between local and remote objects 🙂 GCF::RemoteAppAccessPoint* rap = …. GCF::RemoteObject* remoteObject = rap->getRemoteObject(“ComponentName.ObjectName”); GCF::connect(remoteObject, SIGNAL(someSignal(int,char,QString,QPixmap)), localObjectPtr, SLOT(someSlot(int,char,QString,QPixmap))); Isnt this sweet 🙂