Learnings & Experiences

  • FtpDirModel

    Qt provides a QDirModel class that makes it easy to display directory structures in a view. For a project that we are working on, we needed a model that would make it easy to display the structure of a FTP directory. Thats exactly what we have in FtpDirModel right now. Using the FtpDirModel class is…

  • “Adding Components for VTK Designer” – Updated

    The article on “Adding Components for VTK Designer” has now been updated to provide information about how new components can be provided via VTK Designer’s “Software Updater”, which is designed using GCF. The updated document can be downloaded from here http://www.vcreatelogic.com/resources/downloads/

  • Extending VTK Designer

    The article I talked about yesterday now has another section that talks about extending VTK Designer by adding more meaning features. This means we make use of one or more existing components in VTK Designer and mash-up a totally new functionality. Specifically the article talks about adding an “Export to VRML” feature to VTK Designer.…

  • Adding Components to VTK Designer

    A document titlted “Adding Components to VTK Designer” has been long overdue. So here it is. The article explains how to write simple components and components that provide more visualization algorithms for use within the pipeline. It is still very much a draft, but usable I hope.

  • Taray releases 7Circuits, signs an OEM deal with Cadence

    Taray Technologies India, a EDA solutions products and solutions provider in India has released its 7Circuits product. The product’s development began in early 2006 and reached 1.0 stage sometime last year. Over the last year or so Taray’s team of engineers fine-tuned their 7Circuits product, customized it and integrated it with several toolchains. The latest…

  • VTK Designer has no menu-strip

    This week we removed all traces of Menu Strip (which was never ribbon) from the GCF code. VTK Designer now has no menu-strip as well. We did however reuse the ActionContainer stuff to make the pull-down menus look a little bit different. Over the next few weeks we need to cleanup the new menu system…

  • SequelGUI Workshop at NIT Trichy

    Prof. M. B. Patil of IIT Bombay has been conducting workshops on SequelGUI at several engineering colleges and universities over the past few months. SequelGUI is a product that we developed for IIT Bombay using GCF. It is basically a visualization front-end for their Sequel circuit solver. More info can be found here. Its exciting…

  • Trying out something different with menus..

    I have the following so far hmmmm.. I think it looks ok..

  • Withdrawing Menu Strip

    After several months of educating people that Menu Strip is not RIBBON, I have realized that most people do make that association unconsciously. To avoid any confusion, we have decided to pull the plug on the menu-strip. From the next version of GCF (and VTK Designer); you wont find the menu-strip anymore. Good old toolbar…

  • More on GCF Software Updater

    In this blog I want to explain how the Software Updater module works in GCF. Towards this I have written a example program – “A simple browser”. The simple browser program provides a main-window with a address-bar (QLineEdit), where you can type a URL and the QWebView below shows the corresponding page. When the simple…

  • Software Updater Module in GCF

    GCF is a application development framework for building large applications. Most real world apps out there automatically update themseleves whenever a new version is released by their vendor. We did not want apps developed using GCF to lag behind in this, so since early February this year, we have been working on a new module…

  • Sony 5.1 DVD Player + 5.1 Channel Speakers + Optoma Projector + Pulldown Screen = Proper Home Theatr

    I was always a movie addict. I always wanted to have a proper home theatre, as in a PVR like theatre at home! About 4 months ago we bought a Sony DVD Player + 5.1 Channel Speakers. To be more precise, we bought this for our home. I got the system fit into my living…

  • 1000 downloads of VTK Designer in 51 days!

    It has been 51 days since VTK Designer 2.7 was out (on 23rd Feb). We have had close to 1000 downloads (binary, source and pdf put together) since then! In the same period the new version of GCF got 360 hits. We know of quite a few open-source project groups that are using GCF directly…

  • Menger Sponge Fractal in VTK Designer


  • Fractal Terrains in VTK Designer
