Learnings & Experiences

  • More Fractals in VTK Designer – Menger Square or Sierpinski Carpet


  • Fractals in VTK Designer

    I am teaching a course on OpenGL programming to Computer Science Engineering students in VTU, through its EDUSAT program. In my next class I am supposed to teach rendering of fractal images/models in OpenGL. While preparing for the class, I was intruigued by Sierpinski triangle and pyramid. After writing the OpenGL code for my class,…

  • Barack Obama on ‘The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’

    I particularly like one response from Obama…. MR. OBAMA: Well, and part of what happened over the last 15, 20 years is that so much money was made in finance that about 40 percent, I think, of our overall growth, our overall economic growth was in the financial sector. Well, now what we’re finding out…

  • VTK Designer 2 – Downloads last week

    The last versionof VTK Designer was out on 23rd of Feb. It is a little more than a week since the last release was out and we have had 141 (124 from SourceForge, and 17 from our own website when the files were still available there) downloads. This number includes binary, documentation and source. Considering…

  • Filmfare to Hrithik, Jodha Akbar

    I am personally very happy about this year’s Filmfare winners. It is refreshing to see the awards not going to the default ones. My wife and I decided to not follow the proceedings as soon as we saw that SRK was nominated for Rab Ne. I had watched the film during its first week itself,…

  • Coming: Mobile Number Portability

    Read more about this here: http://www.techtree.com/India/News/Coming_Mobile_Number_Portability/551-84416-613.html The moment this is implemented, I am most surely going to change from AirTel to BSNL. The only reason I am not moving away from AirTel right now is because it is a pain to inform everybody about the new number. Mobile-Numbers are right now used as vendor-lock-in mechanisms…

  • GCF 2.1.0 Tagged

    Today, we tagged the release of 2.1.0. The main new feature of GCF 2.1.0 is menu-strip drawers. You can read more about it by clicking on the following links and by downloading the new release itself ! http://prashanthudupa.livejournal.com/35705.html http://prashanthudupa.livejournal.com/35933.html Download the new GCF from here: http://www.vcreatelogic.com/oss/gcf/GCF-2.1.0-SourceCode.zip

  • VTK Designer 2.7.1 is out

    VTK Designer 2.7.1 is now out. The last release was on 14th of October 2008. Some changes we have since then are 1. Support for Bezier Surfaces. Custom classes from VCL: vtkBezierSurfaceSource and vtkBezierSurfaceWidget are now supported.2. Thumbnail preview of the canvas is now shown.3. Support for color presents in vtkLookupTable. You can right click…

  • Interesting to read !

    Somebody forward this story to me.. I thought it was amusing.. —— Once upon a time the government with Ruling Party XYZ.. had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Ruling Party XYZ Said.. – “Someone may steal from it at night.” So they created a night watchman position and hired a…

  • BI-BOX … A creative product

    BiBox is a product from a startup-company, founded by one of my friends from JNNCE Shimoga. It targets the education sector, which in my opinion is a very huge market. It allows kids to visually design electronic gadgets and bring them to life. Youcan visually create things like moving trucks, bulb-array displays etc.. The killer…

  • Haptics Workshop at IIT Mumbai – Techfest

    I am at IIT-Mumbai right now attending the Techfest. This year, among several parallel tracks, they have arranged for a Haptics track. Manav, a MTech student, who is organizing the track contacted us about a month ago asking us if we were interested to sponser and/or speak at the event. I thought it was a…

  • The rumor was infact true! Qt 4.5 will also be available under LGPL.

    http://www.qtsoftware.com/about/licensing/a-letter-to-our-customershttp://www.qtsoftware.com/about/news/lgpl-license-option-added-to-qt It would be a good move if KDE decided to adopt the LGPL version of Qt 4.5 instead of the GPL one. That way people would be able to develop both closed and open-source software for Qt without having to buy Qt licenses. I think I will still renew my license, because QtSoftware support…

  • Qt to become free?? The rumors are very strong!

    I have been hearing about this for the past couple of weeks. It seems Qt will become free even for commercial developers. We actually held back our License Renewal POs after sensing that the rumors were very strong. Apparently Qt Software will make an important announcement on the 15th of January. So, until then we…

  • Profiling and Performance Tuning…

    Problem: How to profile functions in my Qt app without using gprof or spending big bucks and buying profiling tools for VS2005? Solution: Have the following contents in a header file, Profiler.h for example. #include <QTime> class FunctionProfiler { public: FunctionProfiler(const QString& func) { m_function = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature( qPrintable(func) ); m_function = m_function.remove(“__thiscall”); m_function = m_function.remove(“__stdcall”);…

  • Menu Strip Drawer Update…

    Looking more closely at the look and feel, I thought we should ensure that a) the width of the menu-strip group should be same as that of the drawer when open.b) there should be some visual cue for a user to find out which group has a drawer and which one doesnt Thats exactly what…