Learnings & Experiences

  • Menu Strip Drawer in GCF and VTK Designer

    A couple of weeks back I got this strange idea for MenuStrip-GCF based UI. I tried it out and tested the results on VTK Designer; to be honest I like it. MenuStrip-GCF based apps try to keep the number of QActions on the window to a minimum. But sometimes, it might be necessary to provide…

  • C++ Internals Course

    I am right now in the last half of the last day of a course on C++ Internals conducted by Collosal Learning’s Mubarak. The workshop is really interesting; a must attend for anyone interested in becoming a really good C++ developer. The “internals” knowledge of C++ is something you would gather if you have worked…

  • FOSS.IN and the change in focus..

    FOSS.IN 2008 was about changed focus “show me the code”. I was at the opening ceremony today, I got to say that Atul was very clear about what to get from this edition of the event. But to be honest, his speech could have been more planned and powerful. It lacked the punch. While the…

  • Back to work….

    The last three weeks were very interesting. The whole wedding, reception, honeymoon and then getting back home and setting it up for post-marital life was both fun and exhausting. Overall I am happy with all the changes, it is a lot less scary than what I had thought it would be. Anyways, before moving ahead;…

  • KDCF (Commercial GCF) 1.0 is out

    Over the past few months we have been working with KDAB, the world’s leading Qt company. During FOSS.IN 2007, I got a chance to meet Till Adam of KDAB. We discussed at length about GCF and how to go about productizing it. After that meet a lot of interesting things happened and after a lot…

  • The wedding begins

    Starting from today the wedding events begin. 🙂 The events start from today all the way until Sunday, the 9th of Nov. The actual wedding happens on the 6th of November, but until then we have a bunch of poojas. It ends with a small-and-concise reception in Bangalore on the 9th.

  • Interacting with Bezier Surfaces in VTK Designer 2

    My colleague Brian wrote a vtkBezierSurfaceWidget that can work with vtkBezierSurfaceSource to help users in interactively manipulating the control points of a bezier surface; and hence manipulating the surface. If you checkout from the SVN, you can find both these classes in there. Take a look at the video below. If you cant see the…

  • Force New Tabs in Firefox

    Ever had this problem in Firefox, where you are on a page doing something important, and you accidentally click on a bookmark (in the bookmark tab) causing your current page contents to be lost? I just found an interesting plugin for FF today that solves this problem: Tab Mix Plus. With this plugin you can…

  • VTK Designer 2.6.1 Now Available

    A new version of VTK Designer is now available. Changes include * Ability to add/edit notes in the pipeline * Moving to GCF Version 2 * A vtkBezierSurfaceSource algorithm * Lots of new examples * Lots of new wrappers * Forms can be loaded to the canvas * Fixed crashes caused by data-file-loader. * Data…

  • Very nostalgic…

    http://www.google.com/search2001.html Search for Qt, KDE etc and look at the cached versions of the search results. Brings back the gool ol’ days to memory.

  • Bezier Surfaces in VTK Designer 2

    I gave a talk on VTK Designer to a group of engineers working at Honeywell in Bangalore. During the presentation they asked me a lot of questions about how one can visualize Bezier surfaces in VTK and/or VTK Designer 2. At that time I could only provide them with a conceptual inputs on the topic,…

  • FOSS.IN 2008

    It is getting even more developer oriented: http://foss.in/2008/10/fossin2008-the-omelette-post/

  • Strange bug in the Windows Vista File System

    I can reproduce this. 1. Create a file C:Program FilesMyDirectorySample.txt (May need permissions) 2. Write some text into it and save it (Launch the editor in admin mode) 3. Open the file to check whether the contents were saved. 4. Now shift+delete MyDirectoy from C:Program Files 5. Repeat step 1 and 2. But in the…

  • VTK Designer 2.6 is out

    We just released VTK Designer 2.6 Beta. Some of the interesting new features (on top of the obvious performance improvements because of moving to Qt 4.4 and updating the canvas code etc…) are 0. VTK Designer 2.6 now uses GCF 21. You can now add notes to the pipeline2. You can load UI forms on…

  • Taking notes in VTK Designer

    VTK Designer is used as a teaching and design-communication tool by many people. While explaining a network design to somebody, it might be useful to insert notes in the pipeline and explain something. A recent commit to the repository makes this possible. You can right click on any empty area in the pipeline and select…