Learnings & Experiences

  • VTK Designer 2, GCF, svn:externals

    Upto now, checking out a copy of the VTK Designer 2 code was a pain. First one had to checkout VTK Designer 2, then checkout GCF and then compile the whole thing. All of this was because I had no clue that there was something called svn:externals property. Girish told me about it quite some…

  • Crash Course on GCF

    Vasudha and I are rewriting the GCF Developers Manual. We decided to take a slightly different approach to the manual this time. The previous version of the developer’s manual was more like “GCF Reference Documentation in a Nutshell”. This time the manual will be different. One of the chapter’s that I was responsible for writing…

  • New repository for GCF

    GCF has moved, like I had mentioned in a previous blog. GCF is also undergoing a lot of changes right now. To ensure that we can develop GCF, branch it, tag releases of it more effectively, GCF has now adopted the a more standard SVN structure. The new SVN location is https://svn2.hosted-projects.com/vcreatelogic/GCF2/ If you checkout…

  • Last day at Berlin

    It is 11 PM right now, I am sitting in the lounge of my hotel “MotelONE”. Tomorrow morning at 7 I am catching a flight back to Bangalore. The last two weeks have been very eventful, which is perhaps the reason why it seems like 4 weeks to me. Lot of action, lots of food,…

  • More about GCF and KParts integration

    It sure is getting better. The following lines of XML and screenshots are pretty self-explanatory. <!– KParts Demo –> <!– Text Editor Part –> <kpart mimeType=”text/html” title=”HTML Viewer” scriptName=”KHTMLPart” readOnly=”true” url=”file:///home/prashanth/qt-x11-opensource-src-4.4.1/doc/html/index.html” name=”khtmlPart” parentWidget=”CStdMainWindowComponent.rightDockArea” before=”CStdMainWindowComponent.viewMenu” /> <!– Browser Part –> <kpart mimeType=”text/plain” title=”Text Editor” scriptName=”KatePart” readOnly=”true” url=”file:///home/prashanth/GCF/examples/AppTemplate/guixml/CHelpSystemComponent.xml” name=”katePart” parentWidget=”CStdMainWindowComponent.workspace” before=”CStdMainWindowComponent.viewMenu” /> <!– Konsole Part –> <kpart…

  • Changes in GCF structure and hosting

    As in mentioned in my talk on GCF at Akademy, KDAB is going to be selling commercial variants of GCF as KDCF. I am right now at KDAB’s office and we are gearing up for making that GCF/KDCF marriage happen. Towards that, GCF is going to face quite a few changes. Some of these changes…

  • VTK Designer 2: Forms within network editor

    With Qt 4.4, it is now possible to show widgets in QGraphicsView. Since the network editor of VTK Designer 2is written using QGraphicsView, I thought we could provide an option to users where by they can loadforms designed in QtDesigner on to the network itself. This way users can create visualization networks and alsokeep related…

  • ActiveX + GCF

    <activex title=”Media Player” scriptName=”MediaPlayer” control=”{22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95}” name=”mediaPlayer” parentWidget=”CStdMainWindowComponent.window” parentWidgetHint=”RightDockWidgetArea” /> Gives you this 🙂 Not only can you load ActiveX controls, you view/edit properties in the standard property editor component and can also script them. Moreover, if you load KParts on Windows alongside ActiveX; you can script scenarios between them :). Isnt it cool…

  • Support for ActiveX and KParts components in GCF

    In my talk on GCF at Akademy, I said in my plan-of-action list that GCF would support ActiveX and KParts components. When I said that, I had imagined that the whole thing would take a couple of months time. Being around KDE devels helps speed up the process. You can checkout from the SVN sources…

  • I heard the GODs speaking…

    I can really salute to two godly talks and speakers today… Andreas Aardal Hanssen (on GraphicsView) Zack (on Gallium 3D)

  • Akademy 2008 Day 0/1/2

    I arrived here on Friday. Flew to Paris with Girish and from there took the train to Bruxels with a whole bunch of KDE devs.. By 4:00 we were at Friends Cafe and got all the registration done. There are about 200 odd people here.. the whos who of KDE, Trolltech and (Qt/Nokia) is here.…

  • Company TShirts

    We got a few TShirts printed with our company logo. Looks nice… and here is a team pic (all of us are wearing the TShirts). Meanwhile, I am all set to go to Belgium for Akademy. The flight is at 1:55 AM on Friday. Girish and I will be catching up at the Airport and…

  • I think everybody should read this…

    BRIEFING NOTE ON THE IMPACT OF SOFTWARE PATENTS ON THE SOFTWARE INDUSTRY IN INDIA– by LAWRENCE LIANG, ANURANJAN SETHI and PRASHANTH IYENGAR http://www.sarai.net/research/knowledge-culture/critical-public-legal-resources/whysoftwarepatentsareharmful.pdf (Thanks to venki for bringing this to everybody’s attention in planet.foss.in).

  • Need to revamp JEE??

    I read this article today: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/JEE_fails_to_get_the_best_IIT_dons/articleshow/3307741.cms. Atleast some IIT profs seem to think that the whole thing needs to be revamped. “I am looking for students with raw intelligence and not those with a mind prepared by coaching class tutors. The coaching classes only help students in mastering (question paper) pattern recognizing skills. With this,…

  • Couldn’t file I-T returns? Don’t panic

    The last date to file your income-tax return is just three days away. But if you are a salaried individual and can’t file your return by July 31, don’t worry. Because you still have a little less than two years — till March 31, 2010 — to do that. Read more here: http://sify.com/finance/fullstory.php?id=14725159