Learnings & Experiences

  • I used to think that I was alone in this… but I am not 🙂

    UGC has listed out a bunch of names of management universities that are “fake”: http://www.ugc.ac.in/inside/fakealerts.html. It is not surprising to see IIPM’s name in that list. “Indian Institute of Planning & Management(IIPM),133/4,Qutab Enclave,Phase-II, New Delhi � 110 016.” I always had a feeling that IIPM was all about Times Of India ads, and Arindham Chowdhary…

  • GUI for “Sequel – Circuit Simulator” is based on GCF

    Over the past year and a half we have been working with the EE department of IIT Bombay in creating a easy to use GUI for their Sequel circuit simulator. I have had an opportunity to work with Prof. Patil and Prof. Chandolkar of EE Department IIT Bombay. One of the things anyone will notice…

  • Got my VISA…

    I got my VISA to travel to Belgium for Akademy. That was the last of the hurdles to clear for making the trip happen. With that out of the way, I am now 100% sure that I will be flying to Belgium for attending Akademy 🙂

  • I am going to Akademy

  • So you want to be a programmer?

    http://dobbscodetalk.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&show=So-You-Want-To-Be-A-Programmer-.html&Itemid=29 I thought that this was a very interesting article. +20Million to this point “I often get personally asked, and see the question come up online a lot, what courses a person should take in college if they want to become a professional programmer. I took a fairly broad range of classes in college (Caltech),…

  • Dell XPS 1530 arrives 🙂

    I got my new Dell Laptop today. It is an absolute treat. Some powerhouse laptop it is… 15in Widescreen Truelife LCD, 4 GB RAM, 250 GB HDD, Core Duo Intel Processor, NVIDIA 8600 MGT, Integrated WebCam, WiFi, Bluetooth headphones, noise cancellation earphones, Vista Home Premium…. good value for money.

  • Akademy preperations…

    Got my tickets booked to Belgium, booked my stay, got the conference invite.. next step: apply for VISA. I have also placed an order for Dell XPS 1530. It should arrive anytime next week. I was thinking of buying it for quite sometime, felt that I needed a better laptop for this year. Last week…

  • Akademy 2008 schedule is out.

    Akademy 2008 Conference Program: http://akademy.kde.org/conference/program.php My talk is on the second day :-). I am marking talks that I am very interested in attending. So far I have marked the following talks: KDE Community websites: The past, the present and a vision for the future KDE And Asia – The Divide : Technical or/and Cultural:…

  • Am now engaged 🙂

    I am now officially engaged to Nandini. She is an MCA from JNNCE, the same college that I graduated from. Currently she is working for SAP Labs. Yeah she is a developer too 🙂 After a long weekend of celebrations and meeting the folks, am now back to work.

  • Akademy travel preperations, GCF, engagement, marriage etc…

    Preperations for Akademy 2008 is going good.. My presentation is more or less ready.. I am practicing to make sure that the talk+demo takes just about 25 minutes of time. Am trying to learn as much as possible about KParts to ensure that I can take questions on GCF/KParts comparison. I just received an email…

  • Table Tennis

    Since we had a good financial time this year (Q1 revenue of this year is equal to the revenue of the whole of last year), we treated ourselves with a nice entertainment setup. We bought “Table Tennis”. Shown below are some pics of us playing TT For fun, we also have a rule. The loser…

  • Akademy 2008 accepted my talk on GCF

    I am super thrilled about Cornelius’s email to me today. My talk on “Generic Component Framework – A Qt based component framework” has been accepted. I am off to Belgium between August 9 and 15 for this 🙂 Meanwhile, we are in the process of finishing up a really interesting and profitable deal. I am…

  • 13 Commercial Licenses sold this month 🙂

    May 2008 has been an exciting month for us. We have now packaged GCF as a commercial product that can be bought, just like Qt, and used within commercial software. This month we have sold 13 licenses. 3 of them within India and 10 to a company inthe UK. So far we were selling GCF…

  • Generic Component Framework – Help

    One of the nice things about programming with Qt is “Qt Assistant”. One of the sexiest documentation tools in the market today, by my opinion. We wanted to ensure that developers are able to access GCF documentation from within Qt Assistant as well. The new QtHelp module in Qt 4.4 helps us to do all…

  • Linux Resource Centre

    Recently the founders of Linux Learning Centre spawned another company called Linux Resource Centre (LRC) to provide support for companies interested in adopting GNU/Linux for their enterprise. So far they were just teaching IT staff in companies on GNU/Linux Desktop and Server configuration, Apache, MySQL, PHP and so on; now they are also offering support…