Learnings & Experiences
Nice Quote I must say
“Every overnight success is about ten years in the making”
Last days of the Raj
And then there were four!
Two years after the company was started, we are now four people big 🙂 Lohith is missing in this pic 🙁
VTK Designer 2.5 – SVN Access
After a lot of requests from the user-base of VTK Designer, finally VTK Designer 2.5 code is now accessible from the following SVN repository https://svn2.hosted-projects.com/vcreatelogic/VTKDesigner2. Username/Password for read-only access is anonymous/anonymous. If you are interested to participate in the development*, then do drop me an email. You are more than welcome. From now on, majority…
SVN Repository of GCF / IPC Support
We have now hosted GCF in a public repository. You can checkout the latest copy of GCF from the link below https://svn2.hosted-projects.com/vcreatelogic/GCF Username: anonymous Password: anonymous The latest code has IPC support. It compiles against Qt 4.3.3 and Qt 4.4rc1. To compile GCF you will need to check out a copy of the code and…
Audio Visualization in VTK Designer.
For the past one year or so, we did a project for IIT Bombay’s EE department. They will shortly release announcements about the same. During my visits to IIT Bombay, I met a lot of wonderful people. Prof. Patil and Prof. Chandorkar of EE Department, Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran of Aerospace Dept, Sachin Pant MTech student…
IPC Support in GCF
GCF – (Generic Component Framework) is receiving a major update this month. We have implemented remote procedure calls, remote set/get property and remote signal/slot connection functionality in it. The current builds of GCF seems to work as expected, over the next few weeks we will be testing itrigorously to find out hidden flaws and fine…
iPod Touch
Yesterday I received a courier. I was not expecting any so I was a bit surprised when I got one!. After signing the acknowledgment, I realized that a customer of mine had actually sent it. Its been quite sometime since we finished working for them, in-fact we were in talks with them about starting another…
Trolltech, Nokia and Numbers
I thought this was a nice article: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3235
Ariya has written a nice widget called PictureFlow which does what CoverFlow does on the Mac. Its really good and really small (lines-of-code wise).
Very good post 🙂
Met the firstcontributor to VTK Designer 🙂
When VTK Designer 1 was first released, I had received an email communication from Aurelien, a developer from France. He had expressed interest in porting VTK Designer 1.x to Windows; and he had done it with some success. [See below, a screenshot of VTK Designer 1.0 on Windows XP]. The Windows version of VTK Designer…
aKademy 2008
aKademy 2008 is going to be from 9 to 16 of August (2008 ofcourse). I really hope to make it this time. Keep tracking http://akademy.kde.org/ Powered by ScribeFire.
VTK Designer + DICOM
I am still not able to do good enough ray casting in VTK Designer 2, but the contouring mechanism is quite good. Powered by ScribeFire.
DICOM File Loader is back now..
Quite some time ago, I had blogged about VTK Designer 1.0.5 supporting DICOM image loading. Since we have DFLs in VTK Designer 2 also, I dicided to write some code to support the same thing in vtkd2 as well. And here is the result. This time around, I want to ensure that the support for…