Learnings & Experiences
Top 10 startups of 2007
Some really interesting ideas in here… http://www.wired.com/techbiz/startups/news/2007/12/YE_10_startups Powered by ScribeFire.
Because it can be done 🙂
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Automatic Projector Calibration with Embedded Light Sensors
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgrGjJUBF_I Powered by ScribeFire.
Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the WiiRemote
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw Powered by ScribeFire.
Sinc Function
Visualized this function in VTK Designer var r = sqrt( x*x + y*y ); var z = sin( PI*r ) / PI*r; Download the VTK Designer Project file for this from here. Powered by ScribeFire.
Nice to know…
Its always nice to know when someone calls your work cool 🙂 Read more here. Powered by ScribeFire.
Phonon in VTK Designer 2
This afternoon I began integrating Phonon into VTK Designer 2. The start has been good; but I am really aiming for something cool. I hope I can do what I have set out to do. Powered by ScribeFire.
Compiling and Using Phonon on Linux
Phonon is a neat framework for multimedia applications on Linux. To top that; it is written using Qt. Like Marble; it does not need KDE to work. Recently Trolltech announced Phonon backends for Linux, Windows and Mac; which means that we can now provide Audio and Video capabilities in Qt applications 🙂 I wanted to…
Something for Women on IRC
Source: http://www.sourceguru.net/archives/89 Powered by ScribeFire.
Vilayanur Ramachandran: Brain expert
This will really interest you. http://www.ted.com/index.php/speakers/view/id/164 Powered by ScribeFire.
FOSS.IN 2007…..
FOSS.IN is always a fun event. This year it was no different; although I am beginning to feel that even this year the talks were mostly “intro-type” in nature. The good thing about FOSS.IN however is that one gets to meet the whos-who of the FOSS world (KDE world in particular for me). I could…
VTK Designer has been nominated for FOSS India Awards
Our VTK Designer project has been nominated for FOSS India Awards 2008. Please cast your vote for our software so that we can win it ;). http://www.openitis.com/openitis/project_view.php?id=113PS: For people who are wondering who nominated it and why… I got an email from the editorial coordinator of Linux For You asking me to write about any…
FOSS.IN starting tomorrow!
The best part of December is about to begin from tomorrow: FOSS.IN. Apparently 2700+ people have registered themselves for the conference this year. Thats like 800 people more than last year!. Considering that there will be last minute registrations, there could easily be about 3000 people at FOSS.IN 2007 :). Three developers from Trolltech had…
Microsoft Office 2007
I bought Microsoft Office 2007 a couple of days back. I was in dire need of some templates that MSOffice came with (or provided access to). It costed me quite a bit; but it seems worth it. I hope I don’t have to remove MSOffice 2007 and keep it in the showcase like I had…
Cricket Score Card on Google News
Google is one kewl company :). Every now and then they provide interesting add-ons to news, mail and their other products. Today I noticed this on my news page. Thats right :). It is the India-Pakistan Test Cricket score card. I dont know whether the news page has this score card because Google realizes that…