Learnings & Experiences

  • Ivan Sutherland’s Sketchpad

    Alan Kay presenting Ivan Sutherland’s Sketchpad, one of most influential programs in the history of graphical user interfaces. Sutherland developed Sketchpad in 1963. Watch this video; its really interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOZqRJzE8xg Powered by ScribeFire.

  • Optional Plugins for VTK Designer 2 now available

    Optional plugins for VTK Designer 2 are now starting to become available. Like I said in a previous blog entry, we had to stripout several components from the final release of VTK Designer 2 because they were not release ready. While a majority of them are still not release ready; some of them can be…

  • VTK Designer 2 – Data File Loaders

    VTK Designer 1.x had a category of modules called “Data File Loaders” or DFL as I used to call it. DFLs could basically load data files of different formats. With DFL you never had to construct pipelines for loading data files; you could just load the file at the click of a button and the…

  • VTK Designer 2 – HOWTO Series

    I have decided to write a series of HOWTO documents for developers interested in getting started with VTK Designer 2 development. As a start, I have included two HOWTO documents. How to compile VTK Designer 2 on Windows How to write plugins for VTK Designer 2 [Sample Code] Keep visiting http://www.vcreatelogic.com/oss/vtkdesigner/index.html to get hold of…

  • VTK Designer 2 for Mac – Not happening this week 🙁

    I could not get to compile VTK Designer 2 fully on the Mac today. Everything else but the scripting framework compiled perfectly. I guess I have to postpone this for next week now :(. Powered by ScribeFire.

  • VTK Designer 2 for Mac

    There has been quite a few times when I have got emails from VTK Designer users asking me about a Mac version of VTK Designer. Now that we have VTK Designer 2 for Windows and GNU/Linux, it makes sense to try and provide a binary package for the Mac as well. I borrowed a Mac…

  • Windows Live Writer

    I was reading some news items about Windows Live, so I decided to see what the whole deal was. This blog entry is just to test whether the Windows Live writer works or not 😉 UI wise, I think all the Live apps look good. Mail, Messenger, Writer, Photos etc. Most of them have the…

  • Designing Forms within VTK Designer

    In VTK Designer 2, one can design custom forms in QtDesigner and import it into VTK Designer. They can then script the form and customize the UI and functionality. But what if you dont have QtDesigner? You might say, since Qt is open source you can download a copy of it and use it. But…

  • VTK Designer 2 – All done and released

    VTK Designer 2 is finally out. Source code and binaries for Windows and Linux is now publicly available from http://www.vcreatelogic.com/oss/vtkdesigner. Powered by ScribeFire.

  • VTK Designer 2 Source and Binaries for Linux and Windows now available…

    We have un-officially released VTK Designer 2. Hopefully tomorrow we should be able to make announcements in the website itself. For the curious, you can VTK Designer 2 Source: Download the source code from http://www.vcreatelogic.com/oss/vtkdesigner/download/VTKDesigner2-Source.zip. Unzip the package and follow the instructions specified in BuildInstructions.txt to compile VTK Designer for your platform. The source code…

  • VTK Designer Linux Screenshots

    Binaries for VTK Designer 2 are ready. Powered by ScribeFire.

  • VTK Designer 2 Release This Weekend

    VTK Designer 2 will be released today or tomorrow. We had to remove quite a big chunck of code that was experimental. For example the OpenHaptics plugin, Reporting Framework, Volume Rendering Support etc.. have all been removed. To give some perspective about 80000 (of the 150000+) lines of code will not make it to the…

  • The Thinking Box

    On many of the projects that I have recently worked on, people have told me to, “Think outside of the box.” First of all, I’d like to know what box they are referring to. Second, why do they assume I’m inside of a box? Third, if I am inside a box how did I get…

  • MacOSX Dock on Windows XP – RK Launcher

    Wont write much, the picture says it all… Download RK_Launcher from here: http://home.cogeco.ca/~raduking Powered by ScribeFire.

  • ScribeFire, very useful

    I just installed the ScribeFire plugin for Firefox. It is a pretty cool plugin to do some quick blogging. Shown in the screenshot below is me writing this blog in ScribeFire. Check it out. It is really cool. http://www.scribefire.com/getting-started/ Powered by ScribeFire.