Learnings & Experiences
VTK Designer in KDE SVN
After about two years of development (29th October 2004 was when the first version was released), VTK Designer has managed to get into the KDE SVN. After giving a demo of VTK Designer at FOSS.IN 2006, Aaron Seigo suggested that I try getting an SVN account and importing VTK Designer into the SVN. And I…
Finally a complete development environment !!!!
After over six months of saving, planning, negotiating and what not; I now have a complete development system. A 64 bit AMD Athlon PC with 1GB RAM, 512 MB NVIDIA 6800 GS Card with 512 MB Video RAM, 120 GB HDD, 19 inch Monitor with a legal copy of Windows XP SP2, Microsoft Visual Studio…
VTK Designer 1.0.5
Five months of development effort and about 70,000 lines of code and over 200 pages of design and user documentation later; VTK Designer 1.0.5 Beta is finally out today. In-fact it is getting out as I type this journal. For about one or two weeks now I have been getting remainder emails from people interested…
First Project Delivered
Today our company delivered our first complete project. I am supposed to not speak much about the project itself for a couple of more months; but I can share the feeling of having completed the task. The last few weeks have been extremely heavy with long working hours and no holiday (not even a Sunday).…
More VTK Designer Stuff
The feature additions for VTK Designer is now complete. No more new features will be added. From now on for another 45 days we are going to fix up the remaining bugs, package it, give it some shape and put it up for distribution by the end of next month. The pic below shows VTK…
Help tips in VTK Designer
A survery of 500+ VTK Designer users let us to understand that most people use VTK Designer to learn / teach VTK. The second highest usage of VTK Designer is to test/develop VTK components. VTK Designer 1.0.5 has another tool in its kitty now. The IDE shows documentation for any class dropped on the canvas.…
XGL on SuSE 10.1
XGL !!!!! XGL on Linux is a complete treat to the eyes. What a fantastic piece of work by the Novell developers. Khudos to them. They are complete pros at making and packaging free software. Just take a look at a snapshot of my desktop running XGL and also showing a pic of my fav…
SuSE Linux 10.1
After years of being a loyal RedHat/Fedora user; I finally shifted to SuSE 10.1. Thanks to LFY for giving a properly packaged SuSE 10.1 on DVD in their July Edition. SuSE looks refreshingly new. As a developer of GUI and 3D Visualization Systems; I think SuSE is a better system for working on such projects.…
VTK Designer in the next VTK Textbook
Feels good to know that after two years of work invested on VTK Designer, Will Schroeder of Kitware/VTK fame wrote an email requestion permission to print a full-color image of VTK Designer in the next official VTK Textbook; and ofcourse a acknowledgement mentioning our company and website name. This is quite a feeling. I learn…
Milestone in VTK Designer
VTK Designer has reached a new milestone today. It has crossed the 100,000 line of code border. Rather I should say that the committed/fairly stable code base has crossed 100,000 lines of code. More accurately 100188 lines of code. 100188 is the LOC reported by wc program. I used a more standard kloc program to…
VTK Designer would make use of the marriage between VTK and DICOM to provide some interesting features in the next release. Effort is being put into VTK Designer 1.0.5 to make it load DICOM images with very little effort. All that the user would have to do is to point to a DICOM file that…
VTK Designer
What started as an experiement about two years ago; had turned into a serious programming effort today. VTK Designer was implemented to ease my pain with VTK a little bit. This was when I was working in Kolkata; today two years later it is helping a lot of people ease their learning and development curve…
Traced an old friend
Traced an old classmate of mine through Batchmates…. I have not seen him after our 10th standard sendoff party at school. It felt great to know that he is working for Intel in USA… He was one of those super-intelligent chaps you find in every batch..
First Entry
After a lot of motivation from my friend sutanu I finally (rather he finally) created a LJ account for me.. I really dont have much to type at the moment; but … thanks sutanu for the account …