Learnings & Experiences

  • Vipassana – almost begins

    Vipassana – almost begins

    Since my graduation – there has always been some sort of an interest in “figuring out life”. The vast abyss that life is – sometimes scares me, sometimes inspires me and sometimes makes me just plain lazy. I seek education in the hope that I might be able to make leaps in my journey of…

  • School timetable – does it really work?

    Almost every school I have seen in my life so far follows a “simple” timetable structure for its activities. Each day is divided into 8 “classes”, so 40 classes a week. Each “class” focusses on one subject and lasts for some 40 minutes. Almost immediately after one class, the next would begin. Unless there is a…

  • You don’t have to raise VC investment to create value

    Examine and interrogate your motivations, reject the money if you dare, and startup something useful. A dent in the universe is plenty. Curb your ambition. Live happily ever after. David asks you to RECONSIDER your ambitions in this honest and insightful article.

  • Stay “grounded”

    Am reading a book called “Earthing” recommended by a friend. Its available for download from here. The book encourages you to literally be in touch with the earth / ground beneath your feet. Perhaps keeping your feet grounded in the cities may not do the trick, but a walk (bare feet) in the park might…

  • Punyakoti – India’s first ever Sanskrit Animation film!

    My friend Ravi Shankar has been talking about making an animated movie since the time I first met him in 2012. He is someone who is passionate about telling a story (this story in particular) and is genuinely moved by the impact it will have on people when the story is listened to, seen and…

  • Protected: An inspiring story

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • The end of an era

    A major chunk of my life completes today! Today was VCreate Logic’s last day as a company with several team members. From today onwards, it will be back to being a company for handling my independent consulting efforts. My team members have all moved on. When I come to office tomorrow morning, no one will…

  • MacBook Pro – the best notebook I have ever bought!

    On February 2013, I bought a 15″ MacBook Pro Retina Display Notebook. It came with a 512GB solid state drive, 16 GB of RAM, 2.7 GHz i7 processor running Mac OS 10.8. Over the years I have upgraded the OS to Mavericks and now Yosemite. It will be 2 years since I bought the laptop in…

  • Deploy your dreams into the world

    On 13th September 2014, I gave a talk on “Deploying your dreams” to a group of 60+ 2nd year MCA students at BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru. The talk was organised as a part of “Entrepreneurship Development” drive at BMS-MCA Department, where their intention is to groom students to graduate as entrepreneurs.

  • All the self-improvement programs…

    I have gone through a lot of self-improvement, self-actualisation, self-realisation and “enlightenment” courses in my 33 years of life. The first self-improvement program I attended was when I was 15 years old! I recently finished my almost 5 year stint at Landmark, of which 1.5 years was as a Introduction Leader. At this point –…

  • Freedom vs Independence

    I have spent a long time in my life confusing freedom and independence. I recently distinguished for myself the difference between the two. And when I distinguished it for myself – a whole new world of being human opened up. Stated simply: Independence is the ability to be and do, without barriers / obstruction /…

  • I experience this world through my organism and yours and everybody else’s..

    I am truly indebted to the conversation of Mastery in Life generated by Werner Erhard. Towards the end of that event – he engaged all of us in a conversation that allowed me to experience “who I am” in a whole new way. Almost two years later, I participated in “Direct Access” (a program from Landmark Education) where my…

  • Existentialism

    Ever since I did the Landmark Forum in 2009, I have been curious as to know the source of their material. I looked around in libraries, book shops and Wikipedia for hints. Any book that had “Nothingness”, “Racket”, “Strong Suit”, “Being”, “Possibility” in its title or content was catching my attention. I also bought a…

  • Simple JSON Parser / Serializer in Qt

    Today XML and JSON are hot formats for data exchange. While Qt natively supports XML, it doesnt support JSON (well directly). Most developers use external libraries like qjson to serialize QVariantMap objects to a json-string and parse json-string into QVariantMap. One of the key disadvantages of using qjson (or maybe even other libraries) is the…

  • My Philosophy vs Your Philosophy!

    Philosophy becomes a subject matter of interest when we end up asking two very important questions to ourselves. (1) What is life (or more specifically my life) all about? and (2) How should I live? Once we start our careers, earn some money and gather some property (home / stuff-for-home / car / other fancy…