Learnings & Experiences

  • GCF Training @ Nanterre, Paris – November 2010

    I just came back from Paris last week after finishing a 4 day training on GCF for a group of 7 developers in a company there. I had a fun time with the team of 7 – it was very interesting to note the interest and enthusiasm with which they took the training.

  • I am NoThing

  • GCF Version 2.4 Released

    GCF (Generic Component Framework), based on Qt, allows developers to compose applications as a collection of components. GCF offers a ready made application architecture to manage loading, initialization and unloading of components, to configure components using XML files, to merge GUI offered by different components into a single application container widget, to have components easily…

  • Werner Erhard on ‘Mastery in Life’

    THE ‘Werner Erhard’ descended upon 1000+ people at the Yogi Sabhagruh auditorium (behind Swamy Narayan Temple, Dadar-E) in Mumbai yesterday at 7 PM. Every one of the attendees there were either ‘est’ or ‘Landmark Forum’ graduates. I was able to spot one Landmark Forum leader: Ms. Arunaraje and several seminar leaders including the famous actor…

  • Parking System at BUDAPEST

    Parking in Bangalore is an absolute stress. You never know if the parking space is available. Even if you do get a space to park the car, you never know if it will be safe there. (Although to be honest, it has been safe by and large). However, I just saw on YouTube an awesome…

  • FOSSCamp 2010 (An LCC Event in SJCE Mysore)

    LCC (or Linux Campus Club) is an organization that was started in 2004 under the department of Computer Science SJCE Mysore India, with a primary goal of fostering the use of free open source software among the students. For the last three years they have been hosting an annual event called FOSSCamp to accelerate the…

  • Jackie – Kannada Movie

    Last weekend I had gone out with my wife and cousins to watch this Kannada movie called “Jackie“. The movie is about a 8th standard drop-out called Jackie who goes about his life dreaming of making it big by not doing any hardwork. Life takes a twist for him when his adopted-sister(s) go(es) missing and…

  • Internet Explorer 9

    I downloaded “Internet Explorer 9 Beta” a couple of weeks ago. I have been consistently using it since then. I must say that the experience so far has been awesome! Browsing is smoother – Windows 7 Integration is nice! – It is much much much much faster than IE8 – It renders most of the…

  • Werner Erhard : The man behind The Forum

    Werner Erhard is the creator of transformational models and applications for individual, organizational and social transformation. His innovative ideas have stimulated academic conversations at many Universities, most recently in the areas of integrity, leadership, and performance. A brief history: Content derived from Wikipedia entries on ‘Werner Erhard’ and ‘Erhard Seminars Training’ Werner Erhard was known…

  • Integrity. Without it nothing works!

    For most of us Integrity is about being sincere and honest. And “honesty is the best policy”. And sincerity is about being good and true to oneself. We keep going down that road and eventually land up discussing about morality and ethics in the name of Integrity. Following are relavent excerpts from an Interview with…

  • The origin of negation

    When we go about the world, we have expectations which are often not fulfilled. For example, I go to meet an old friend. I imagine that he will be happy to see me after all these years and that we chat for hours sharing about our lives. I go there and I find that he…

  • Equated Monthly Installments

    About two weeks ago we bought a 40×60 site in Shimoga, right next to my father in law’s plot. The site is in a good location. We hope to construct our house in there in about 10 years time and move there in about 15 years time. One of the top thoughts in my wife’s…

  • Why is work = giving-presentations?

    Have you noticed that almost any ad/movie about a guy or gal doing work has something to do with giving-presentations? And usually the presentation has a chart (line-graph going up or bar chart growing taller) and then everybody in the room listening to the presentation is wearing full 3 piece suit and shining glasses. Each…

  • Using vtkRenderWindow with QGraphicsView

    We are about to begin on a project that requires us to have floating and transparent widgets over VTK render-window output. About a year back, we had wanted to provide something similar to VTK Designer 2. We wanted users to have the ability to load UI (created using Qt Designer) directly on the VTK output…

  • Moving to CMake

    Over the past few weeks we have been playing around with CMake and we figured that it would be a good idea to have GCF build-able using CMake. There are a few open-source projects that make use of GCF with CMake anyway; we figured it would be a good idea to have a CMake build-system…