PHANToM Omni Haptic Device with VTK Designer

We have managed to get the PHANToM Omni working with VTK Designer (and VTK ofcourse) using SensAble Technology’s Open Haptics toolkit. They have some some pretty amazing work. Making VTK work with the haptic device was not all that complicated. We just had to read a bunch of materials (read documentation, sample code etc) and the rest was pretty obvious.

With the work done so far, I am able to touch and feel any object in VTK Designer. Not just that, I can also set material properties for each object in terms of stiffness, dampness, friction etc.. Whats more, we can also design simple virtual assembly type of applications.

In the coming months, I hope to get more of haptics working in VTK Designer 2.






One response to “PHANToM Omni Haptic Device with VTK Designer”

  1. Cory Quammen Avatar
    Cory Quammen

    Very cool work.

    I am very interested in combining haptic devices with VTK as you have done. Have you made this work available as open-source software? I looked in the source code of VTK Designer 2 (checked out from SVN on January 18, 2011), but didn’t find anything.
